What is PCDC Fat Dissolving?
Also known as Lipolysis, PCDC Fat Dissolving injections are designed to target and break down pockets of fat cells. This non-surgical treatment is an effective alternative to liposuction. PCDC Fat Dissolving or Lipolysis injections are effective in small-to-moderately sized areas of the body, including the double chin, love handles and the bra bulge.
How Does PCDC Fat Dissolving Work?
When PCDC is injected into fat cells, the combination of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and deoxycholic acid (DC) works together to break down cell walls and the fat inside them.
Think of phosphatidylcholine as a special type of fat that dissolves other fats. Deoxycholic acid, on the other hand, is like a natural fat-breakdown agent found in your small intestine.
Your body works to naturally eliminate the fat cells through its natural processes.
You will start noticing the results of PCDC Fat Dissolving a few weeks after the procedure. Keep in mind that some areas require multiple treatments to achieve desired results.
PCDC Fat Dissolving Treatment Areas
Double Chin: PCDC Fat Dissolving double chin treatments work to shrink the pocket of fat that can accumulate under the chin and jaw area as we age.
Bra Bulge: PCDC Fat Dissolving bra bulge treatments help reduce the pocket of fat that is emphasized when wearing a bra or swimwear.
Loves Handles: PCDC Fat Dissolving love handles treatments can decrease fat that accumulates in the area of the waist an hips that is emphasized by pants and undergarments.
Arms: PCDC Fat Dissolving arms treatments target fat that accumulates on the back of the arm, reducing the volume of fat deposits.
And more! Give us a call or ask your nurse injector how we can help you achieve your goals!
What Happens During a PCDC Fat Dissolving Consultation?
Your nurse injector will review the intake forms that you complete in advance of your appointment. This review is used as a starting point to discuss your concerns and treatment goals.
Your nurse then assess the area you wish to have treated. We always review the benefits and risks of the treatment, as well as any potential complications.
Our goal is that the consultation will make you feel educated and empowered to decide if a PCDC Fat Dissolving treatment is right for you. Consultation also helps determine if you are a good candidate for a Lipolysis treatment.
Consultations can be done at our downtown Toronto clinic or virtually from the comfort of your couch!
What Can I Expect During My PCDC Fat Dissolving Treatment?
Your appointment always begins with a consultation. Your treating nurse will review your medical history, current health profile and medications to ensure that a PCDC Fat Dissolving treatment is right for you. You’ll also have an opportunity to discuss the results you’re looking to achieve. Once both you and your treating nurse are satisfied, the treatment can proceed.
The treatment begins with the nurse applying numbing cream to the injection site and mapping out a grid to guide where the injections are made. The nurse will administer a series of small injections with a fine needle, ½ cm to 1 cm apart.
The appointment concludes with a discussion about aftercare treatment and follow-up care. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions at this time. In all, the appointment takes about 45 to 60 minutes.
You may experience a mild amount of discomfort or a stinging sensation following an injection. Redness and swelling are normal. There may be some tenderness at the treatment site(s) that can last for a few hours or several days. You may develop bruises in the areas treated.
Pearl on King puts your well-being and comfort above all else. Our team has years of experience and education in the field of medical aesthetics, meaning you will get a safe a professional treatment experience.
Preparing For Your Fat Dissolving Treatment
Day of Treatment
Take a Tylenol/Acetaminophen one hour before your appointment and have some on hand to take every 4 hours afterwards for the remainder of the day.
Please arrive to the office with the treatment area cleaned. You may apply makeup the next day.
24 Hours Before Treatment
Do not drink alcohol for 24 hours.
Keep an ice pack on hand at home.
3 Days Before Treatment
Avoid topical products such as Tretinoin (Retin-A), Retinols, Retinoids, Glycolic Acid, Alpha Hydroxy Acid, or other anti aging-products.
Avoid waxing, bleaching, tweezing or the use of hair removal creams on the area to be treated.
10 Days Before Treatment
Avoid blood-thinning over-the-counter medications such as: ASA/Aspirin, Motrin, Advil/Ibuprofen and Naproxen/Aleve.
Avoid herbal supplements, such as Garlic, Ginseng, Vitamin E, Ginkgo Biloba, St. John's Wort and Omega-3 capsules.
14 Days Before Treatment
Avoid: chemical peels, microdermabrasion, or laser treatments
Inform your treatment provider if you have a history of Perioral Herpes (Cold Sores). They will recommend you see your family doctor to receive advice on antiviral therapy before your cosmetic treatment, as they can’t treat an inflamed area.
Inform your treatment provider if you have a history of excessive scarring (hypertrophic scarring and keloid formations) or pigmentation disorders as the use may result in additional scars or changes in pigmentation in some cases.
Inform your treatment provider if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, are allergic to any of the ingredients (Hyaluronic Acid/Lidocaine) or suffer from any neurological disorders.
Inform your treatment provider if you have any questions before your cosmetic treatment.
Safety & Possible Side Effects of PCDC Fat Dissolving
PCDC Fat Dissolving is safe when administered by a qualified healthcare professional under appropriate supervision.
Although Phosphatidylcholine (PC) and Deoxycholic Acid (DC) are drugs approved for use by Health Canada, PCDC is considered an off-label treatment for the purposes of resolving submental fullness (double chin) and other treatment areas on the body.
Although uncommon, side effects may include: pain, discomfort and tingling, nerve irritation and nerve damage, scarring, burning, swelling, bruising. Side effects may be temporary or permanent. Risks and complications include but are not limited to infections, skin breakdown, bleeding, bruising.
Adhering to post-treatment instructions will help to minimize side effects and complications.
Our number one priority is the safety of our clients. PCDC Fat Dissolving at Pearl on King is administered exclusively by our nurses who have years of training and experience in advanced medical aesthetics. All cosmetic injections are overseen by Pearl on King's Medical Director.
We take extra care to review our client's medical history to rule out any possible contraindications before proceeding with treatment.
PCDC Fat Dissolving Aftercare
Immediately After Treatment
You may apply an ice pack or cool gel pack to the areas treated.
You may take Tylenol/ Acetaminophen if you experience any mild tenderness or discomfort.
Drink plenty of water for 48 hours after treatment.
4 hours following treatment: stay in an upright position. Do not rest your head or lie down. Do not sleep on your face or place your head on your hands while sleeping.
You may resume your other usual movements immediately but avoid exercise or strenuous movements for the remainder of the treatment day.
Do not apply makeup for 24 hours (if you have any pinpoint bleeding, wait until it has stopped).
For 2 weeks: Avoid hot environments like saunas/extended UV exposure until any redness/swelling has passed. Apply an SPF 30 or higher sunscreen.
Avoid very cold temperatures.
Avoid heavy pressure on the treated areas for the first few days. Be gentle when cleansing your face or applying makeup.
Avoid laser treatments, resurfacing treatments, or chemical peels for a minimum of 2 weeks, as there is a possible risk of inflammation at the treatment site if the procedures are performed after treatment.
Patients who experience skin injury near the site of an injection with these products may be at higher risk for side effects.
A follow-up appointment is encouraged after approximately 2 weeks to monitor your progress and determine if additional sessions are advised.
Go to the Emergency Department immediately if you experience:
Changes in your vision.
Signs of a stroke (including sudden difficulty speaking, numbness or weakness in your face, arms, or legs, difficulty walking, face drooping, severe headache, dizziness, or confusion).
White appearance of the skin.
Unusual pain.
Be sure to inform your treatment provider if you have:
Significant pain away from the injection site.
Any redness and/or visible swelling that lasts for more than several days.
Any side effect that occurs weeks/months after treatment.
Any other symptoms that cause you concern.
PCDC Fat Dissolving Prices
How Long Does a PCDC Fat Dissolving Treatment Take?
A medical consultation and injection treatment will usually take about 45 to 60 minutes. There is no prolonged downtime following the session. Your treatment professional will advise you of important steps that should be taken after your appointment.
What Results Can I Expect from a PCDC Fat Dissolving Treatment
PCDC Fat Dissolving injections are an alternative to surgery to address small-to-moderately sized pockets of body fat. Treatment results are typically subtle but effective. Clients seeking dramatic results are adivsed to contact a cosmetic surgeon.